September 2000: The presentation originally planned was
deferred until October. The Application Developer Issues presentation on
Access 2000 for the Developer by App Dev Issues SIG Leader Dan
Ogden had the rapt attention of the audience, wasn't finished, and
Tom and Larry decided it would be best for that to be completed.
August 2000: Access SIG Leader Larry Linson followed up
the multi-user discussion with a presentation on using Access as a
Client Application. This presentation covered using Access .MDB or .MDE
files, DAO, ODBC, and various server databases. Larry drew on his
experience using Access as a client to Microsoft SQL Server, Informix,
Sybase SQL Server, and Sybase SQL Anywhere. Because it is a database
development tool, and has unique data-related events and properties,
Access is an excellent tool for developing client applications.
July 2000: Access SIG Leader Larry Linson led a
discussion on Access in a Multiuser Environment. We talked about
tips, hints, considerations, and caveats for using Access with multiple
users. Larry quoted reliable reports of as many as 150 concurrent users,
though he certainly doesn’t advise that you plan an Access
application for that many. One topic of particular interest was
'Corruption and How to Avoid It' -- the identified cause is most often a
case of 'ungraceful termination'.