User Group Links


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User Group Links Sites: The Association of PC User groups has member user groups all over the world The definitive list of user groups and special interest groups for Microsoft products Tony Toews has a very complete list of links to user groups around the world Sandy  Berger's CompuKiss has truly extensive listings of computer user groups and computer clubs, both general and specific, in the United States, selectable by state

User Group Links:

Local in the Dallas - Fort Worth Area The Metroplex Access Developers of the Dallas - Fort Worth, Texas area The North Texas PC User Group is the parent organization of this Special Interest Group; there's similar information to this in the Access pages, but there are a great many other interests represented there, too. In the Dallas - Fort Worth, Texas, area.

In Texas The Alamo PC User Group, located in San Antonio (second largest User Group in the Western Hemisphere) has an active Access Special Interest Group The Central Texas PC User Group, located in Austin, TX The Houston Area League of PC Users has Beginning, Intermediate, Developer, and Help SIGs for Access (at last report, this was the largest User Group in the world, unless you consider USENET to be a virtual user group)

Out of Texas, In the USA

http:/ The Central New York User Group Access Special Interest Group, Syracuse, New York The Chicago Access User Group, Chicago, Illinois

International The Sydney, Australia .NET User Group, formerly the Access/SQL Server/ASP User Group, still, according to Adam Cogan, User Group Leader, "doing about 50% Access".

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This site was last updated 07/10/03