June 2000: Application Developer Issues SIG Leader Dan
Ogden, Esq. reviewed his recent experiences using Access 2000. He
said that he had found a lot to like and cautioned of a few things he
didn’t like very much. All in all, Dan’s pleased with Access 2000, and
he’s convinced some of the rest of us to spend a little more time with
it. Note: Now that Service Release 1 has corrected quite a number of
'issues', I think he will like it even more.
May 2000: Perennial favorite and Assistant SIG Leader Jack
Atkinson was our presenter. When Jack says he’s going to “fill in
some blanks”, that means he has a whole bag full of tips, hints, and
tricks for rapid and efficient application development. Jack showed us
an extensive set of functions for validating and manipulating legacy or
imported data of the most common types. Many of us have experienced
similar problems and wished we had some canned procedures of this type
-- now we do, because Jack provided a handout showing the code he
explained and demonstrated.
April 2000: Sig Leader
Larry Linson described how to simplify development by using a
starter application. Copy the starter application, with some essential
Forms, Tables, Modules, System Information, predefined formatting,
generalized error handling, and speed your development. Larry provided
for the drawing several diskette copies, which he warned were not much
beyond the "clean compile" stage.
March 2000: Jim Wehe
showed us a real-world application that has supported the Food Service
operations of a large metropolitan school district for many years
without incident. It was first done in dBase, converted to Access in the
early 1990s and is still in use today. What's unique about it? It was
created all with point-and-click. Jim said, "The only VBA code in this
application is that generated by the Command Button Wizard."